Whitelisting Recess domains

Written By Mingjie Jiang

Last updated About 1 month ago

If your family uses a parental control tool to control access to websites, please take a moment to review and whitelist all Recess's domains to ensure that your kid can access Recess and our services without issue.

Domains with an asterisk (*) are wildcard domains, meaning that our services can exist on any prefix of that domain. Please be sure to whitelist them accordingly.

Let us know if we can be of any help or can answer any questions. If you are blocked by a school firewall, we’re also happy to email some background information about Recess to convince IT administrator. Reach out to us: [email protected]

Recess Core Domains

This is the list of domains that Recess uses to run our core services. They should be whitelisted for HTTPS (TCP port 443). Users will not be able to access the Recess site if one or more of these domains are blocked.

  • https://recess.gg

  • https://*.recess.gg

  • https://tryrecess.com

  • https://*.tryrecess.com


Some of our services rely on technologies like WebSocket or WebRTC for real-time communication. Please ensure these domains are also whitelisted to avoid disruptions:

  • wss://*.recess.gg

  • wss://*.tryrecess.com

These protocols are typically used on the same domains as our core services and voice/video experiences. Be sure to allow connections for WebSocket (TCP port 443 or 80) and WebRTC as needed.

Course & Instructor-Uploaded Content

This is the list of domains that we may use to host contents of a course, such as course overview videos, images, and instructor-shared async content. They should be whitelisted for HTTPS (TCP port 443). Users will not be able to access these material if one or more of these domains are blocked.

  • https://recesscontent.com

  • https://*.recesscontent.com

  • https://*.mux.com

  • https://*.youtube.com

Voice/Video Experiences

This is the list of domains that we may use to host video & voice calls, such as courses, community hour events, or other moderated social experiences between kids. They should be whitelisted for HTTPS (TCP port 443). Users will not be able to attend classes or other social experiences if one or more of these domains are blocked.

  • https://gather.town

  • https://*.gather.town

  • https://8x8.com

  • https://*.8x8.com

  • https://8x8.vc

  • https://*.8x8.vc

  • https://jitsi.net

  • https://*.jitsi.net